
Directive Consulting
Brand Guidelines
Design System
Style Guide
Marketing Collateral
Content Design
‍Website Design
My Role
Visual Identity
Brand Guidelines
Web Design
Lisandro Cuello (Digital Designer)
My Van Loc (Art Director)
Alex Slade, Jess Cogswell (Project Managers)
Recognizing the necessity for clearer brand positioning and a more user-friendly website, MetaCX entrusted us with the task of reshaping their brand identity and online platform. Our team spearheaded a comprehensive end to end overhaul of their branding and website development.

From Digital Connectivity to Empowering Global Solutions

Founded in 2018, MetaCX initially aimed at enhancing digital connectivity for collaborative initiatives. However, as clients leveraged their technology for increasingly substantial challenges, the company recognized the need for a transformative shift.

The transformation was more than just a change in name; it was a way for MetaCX to signal that they had grown into something more substantial.

The rebranding process became a crucial step in aligning the company's image with its expanded capabilities, signaling to clients and the industry that MetaCX was now equipped to address not just digital connectivity but also to play a pivotal role in empowering organizations to confront and solve the world's most pressing issues through impactful networks.

How can we redesign our website to enhance user engagement and streamline navigation?

The client recognized the need for a significant redesign from its old website. The old layout lacked clarity, focus and there was a need for more diverse and impactful visuals to make the website truly stand out. Our redesign aimed to address these issues, providing a more engaging and accessible website that resonates with users.
Our in-depth visual audit of the website allowed us to uncover user challenges and devise strategic recommendations for an improved layout. Here's some of our findings and proposed solutions:

Visual Hierarchy

In website design, the absence of a clear visual hierarchy often results in elements vying for attention, leading to confusion about where to direct focus. By implementing a defined hierarchy, particularly through typography choices, we can add clarity and aid users in navigating the content.


Visitors often skim through content and quickly scan pages. To improve readability, it's crucial to avoid overly wide and wordy text layouts. By reducing the width of text boxes and eliminating unnecessary wording, we can create a cleaner, more digestible presentation that helps users find the information they need more efficiently.


While the website currently features testimonials, incorporating additional elements such as awards, media mentions, and integrations can significantly enhance trust and authority. These forms of social proof provide tangible evidence of the brand's reputation and reliability, making it more convincing to potential customers.

Visual Hierarchy

In website design, the absence of a clear visual hierarchy often results in elements vying for attention, leading to confusion about where to direct focus. By implementing a defined hierarchy, particularly through typography choices, we can add clarity and aid users in navigating the content.


Visitors tend to skim through information and scan pages quickly. The overall layout for text is too wide and wordy, so it was advisable to reduce the width of text boxes and trim down unnecessary wording.

A dynamic website featuring optimized typography, captivating visuals, and streamlined content that serves as a powerful reflection of Metaimpact's brand.

Our design strategy focused on several key areas to ensure a cohesive and engaging user experience.
• Enhanced the hero area with impactful visuals and engaging images that evoke an emotional response and summarize the brand's impact.
• Incorporated additional social proof such as awards, media mentions, and integrations to boost credibility.
• Introduced modular web design with varied and interesting layouts to break information into visual chunks, enhancing visitor retention by reducing repetitive structures.
• Introduced visual storytelling through enhanced images and illustrations to demonstrate specific use cases, helping readers understand how the platform works.


We kicked off the project by implementing a design strategy to meet the client's specific needs. To achieve this, our first step involved delving into the core of our target audience and their goals.

We learned about the client's product through a software demo, introducing us to their audience. The client discussed the use cases and behavior's of their user base, and we developed personas to visualize individual pain points and needs.